Cassandra Schandel, MD
Emergency Medicine

About Cassandra Schandel, MD
Cassandra Schandel, MD, is an emergency physician with BayCare Clinic Emergency Physicians.Locations
More from Cassandra Schandel, MD
Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine
2018 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison
Carilion Clinic VTC – Emergency Medicine
Professional Associations and Memberships
Sharp, C. Schandel, I. Vuong, M. Masters, A. Lee, J. Pothof, A. Hamedani, and M. Pulia. Silent No Longer: Sepsis Recognition by Electronic Screening in the Emergency Department. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2016, May; 23(Supplement S1): S95-S96.
Sharp, C. Schandel, I. Vuong, M. Masters, A. Lee, J. Pothof, A. Hamedani, and M. Pulia. Implementation of an Electronic ED Sepsis Screen and Alert: Effect on Compliance with ED Sepsis Quality Measures. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2016, May; 23(Supplement S1): S96.
Pulia, I. Vuong, C. Schandel, and B. Sharp. Impact of an Electronic Health Record Sepsis Screen on Antibiotic Stewardship in the Emergency Department. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2016, May; 23(Supplement S1): S147.