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About Kenneth W. Reichert II, MD

Kenneth W. Reichert II, MD is a neurosurgeon with BayCare Clinic Neurological Surgeons in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Dr. Reichert is board certified in neurological surgery and has a special interest in brain tumors, cerebrovascular diseases and simple to complex spine disorders. He has continually been voted by his peers to Milwaukee Magazine’s “Best Doctors” list since 1996 and “Best Doctors of America,” a top 4% list, since 2004. He provides high-quality surgical consults and care to his patients.

Outside of the office, Dr. Reichert enjoys fishing, hunting, and spending time with family.


More from Kenneth W. Reichert II, MD


Board Certified by the American Board of Neurological Surgery - Neurological Surgery


1986 Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI


Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals – General Surgery


Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals – Neurological Surgery


University of Cincinnati Medical Center – Cerebrovascular Surgery

University of Ottawa – Neurosurgery

Professional Associations and Memberships

American Association of Neurological Surgeons

American College of Surgeons, Fellow

American Paraplegia Society

Brown County Medical Society

Congress of Neurological Surgeons

Congress of Neurological Surgeons Section on Cerebrovascular Surgery

Frank H. Mayfield Neurological Society

Hydrocephalus Association

Milwaukee Pediatric Society

Spina Bifida Association of America

State Medical Society of Wisconsin

Wisconsin Neurological Society

Areas of Special Interest

Brain tumors, cerebrovascular diseases and simple to complex spine disorders

Functional magnetic resonance imaging mapping of the motor cortex in patients with cerebral tumors. Mueller WM, Yetkin FZ, Hammeke TA, Morris GL 3rd, Swanson SJ, Reichert K, Cox R, Haughton VM. Neurosurgery. 1996 Sep;39(3):515-20

Light-emitting diodes as a light source for intraoperative photodynamic therapy. Schmidt MH, Bajic DM, Reichert KW 2nd, Martin TS, Meyer GA, Whelan HT. Neurosurgery. 1996 Mar;38(3):552-6

Evaluation of photodynamic therapy near functional brain tissue in patients with recurrent brain tumors. Schmidt MH, Meyer GA, Reichert KW, Cheng J, Krouwer HG, Ozker K, Whelan HT. J Neurooncol. 2004 Mar-Apr;67(1-2):201-7

Management strategies and surgical techniques for deep-seated supratentorial arteriovenous malformations. Tew JM Jr, Lewis AI, Reichert KW. Neurosurgery. 1995 Jun;36(6):1065-72.

Benzoporphyrin derivatives and light-emitting diode for use in photodynamic therapy; applications of space light-emitting diode technology. Whelan HT, Houle JM, Bajic DM, Schmidt MH, Reichert KW, Meyer GA. Space Technology Applications. 1998;420:729-35.

Current therapy and new perspectives in the treatment of medulloblastoma. Whelan HT, Krouwer HG, Schmidt MH, Reichert KW, Kovnar EH. Pediatr Neurol. 1998 Feb;18(2):103-15.