Sarah DiMezza, MD
Emergency Medicine

About Sarah DiMezza, MD
Sarah DiMezza, MD, is an emergency physician with BayCare Clinic Emergency Physicians.Locations
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Board Candidate for the American Board of Emergency Medicine
2018 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine – Emergency Medicine
Professional Associations and Memberships
Gray, S.K. M.E. McGee-Lawrence, J.L. Sanders, K.W. Condon, C.J. Tsai, S.W. Donahue. Black bear parathyroid hormone has greater anabolic effects on trabecular bone in dystrophin-deficient mice than in wild type mice. Bone, July 2012.
Donahue, S.W., S.J. Wojda, D.R. Weyland, S.K. Gray, M.E. McGee-Lawrence. Black bears with longer disuse (hibernation) periods have lower femoral osteon population density and greater porosity and mineralization. The Anatomical Record, 2013.