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About Wei-Chuan Wang, MD

Wei-Chuan Wang, MD is an ophthalmologist and fellowship-trained vitreoretinal specialist at BayCare Clinic Eye Specialists in Green Bay and Marinette, Wisconsin. He takes pride in tailoring care plans to meet each patient’s individual needs.

Following in his parents' footsteps, Dr. Wang wanted to work in healthcare. He started his journey at the University of Virginia for his undergraduate and medical degrees. Finding interest in ophthalmology and building long-term relationships with patients, he completed his ophthalmology and vitreoretinal fellowship through the University of Texas.

When he's not treating patients, Dr. Wang enjoys hiking and jogging, is an active member in his church, and spends time playing board games with his wife and two children.

Related Medical Services

Diabetic Exams

Retina and Vitreous


More from Wei-Chuan Wang, MD


Board Certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology


2002 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA


Harbor Hospital - University of Maryland


University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston - Ophthalmology


University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston - Vitreoretinal

Additional Certifications, Training, and Achievements

Clinical Assistant Professor - University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health

Areas of Special Interest

Macular Degeneration

Diabetic Retinopathy

Retinal Vein Occlusion

Epiretinal Membrane Surgery

Macular Hole Surgery

Fluorescein Angiography

Optical Coherence Tomography

Ocular Ultrasonography

Intravitreal Medication Injections

Intraocular Steroid Treatment

Laser Surgery

Photodynamic Therapy

Intraocular Tumors

Retinal Detachment Repair

Treatment of Retinal Tears and Holes

