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RhinAer® Procedure

What is chronic rhinitis?

Chronic rhinitis is persistent inflammation of the tissues lining the nose, resulting in symptoms such as a constant runny nose and often post-nasal drip, congestion, coughing, nasal itching, and sneezing. While symptoms may be related to allergies, symptoms from chronic rhinitis may occur all year.

This challenging condition can negatively impact your life in countless ways. Trying to find an effective treatment can be frustrating. Like many, you may manage your symptoms using medications and sprays. Unfortunately, these treatments only provide temporary relief. It’s only when the root cause of your rhinitis is addressed that you can expect to find real, lasting relief.

RhinAer normal vs. rhinitis graphic

Symptoms of chronic rhinitis include:

  • Persistently runny nose
  • Post-nasal drip
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itching and sneezing

RhinAer® Treatment

Lasting relief is possible

If any or all of the symptoms listed above sound familiar, you may be one of the millions of people living with chronic rhinitis. Until now, treatment often meant managing symptoms with medications and sprays. For many patients, these symptoms may be caused by abnormal signals in the nose. Now, your physician can offer you RhinAer to disrupt these signals and provide lasting relief. In a clinical study, patients treated with RhinAer experienced significant relief from chronic rhinitis symptoms.¹ Patients typically return to normal activity on the same day.*

Lasting relief: Provides lasting relief of symptoms including runny nose, post-nasal drip, and chronic cough.¹

Non-invasive solution: Minimal discomfort, no incisions, and can be performed in our office.

Live better: In a clinical study, patients reported significant improvements in their symptoms and quality of life.¹

Am I a candidate for the RhinAer® treatment?

To find out, complete the Total Nasal Symptom Score questionnaire below.

Take the questionnaire

Schedule an appointment today!

The RhinAer procedure may not be covered by all insurance companies. Please contact your insurance carrier to confirm coverage before scheduling an appointment to learn more.

Call BayCare Clinic’s Ear, Nose & Throat specialists at (920) 288-8230 or request an appointment online.


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*Individual results may vary.

¹ Clinical Evaluation of Low Power Radiofrequency Energy Applied to the Posterior Nasal Nerve Area for Symptomatic Relief of Chronic Rhinitis (RhinAer Stylus). Aerin Medical Report TR898.


David G. Gossman, MD, FACS

David G. Gossman, MD, FACS

Ear, Nose & Throat
Jon Slezak, MD

Jon Slezak, MD

Ear, Nose & Throat
Robert Sonnenburg, MD, FACS

Robert Sonnenburg, MD, FACS

Ear, Nose & Throat

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