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Intracept can offer relief from chronic low back pain

The Intracept procedure is a minimally invasive treatment option that delivers long-term relief from chronic back pain caused by vertebrogenic pain.

Quick facts about the Intracept procedure

  • Minimally invasive
  • Long-term pain relief after a single procedure
  • Brief recovery, same-day procedure
  • Implant-free
  • Proven safety profile
  • Preserves overall spine structure

What is vertebrogenic pain?

Vertebrogenic pain is a distinct and chronic lower back pain caused by damage to vertebral endplates, the tissue at the top and bottom of each vertebra. Everyday tasks can be affected by this pain; simple things like sitting or bending can trigger pain carried from the basivertebral nerve to the brain.

Intracept activities pain spots

What does the Intracept procedure involve?

Our trained doctors can perform the Intracept procedure as an outpatient procedure for patients with chronic vertebrogenic pain. Targeting the basivertebral nerve, doctors use a small probe to deliver a radio frequency energy to disable a specific nerve within the vertebra. No implants of any kind are used and the Intracept procedure is minimally invasive, which preserves options for future treatments of other spine conditions.

Is the Intracept procedure right for me?

If you have had chronic back pain for six or more months, have not responded to at least six months of conservative care, and have an MRI with:

  • Endplate changes, inflammation, edema, disruption, and/or fissuring
  • Fibrovascular bone marrow changes
  • Fatty bone marrow replacement

You may be a candidate; please schedule an appointment with our clinic for a consultation.

What to expect after the Intracept procedure

Following the procedure, your doctor may recommend you limit activity, restrict lifting, etc. Normal activities can be resumed after a brief recovery period.

The majority of patients experience:

  • Pain relief within the first six weeks of treatment
  • Improvement in function
  • Long-term improvements in pain and function


Ryan Clark, DO

Ryan Clark, DO

Pain & Rehab Medicine
Christopher Howson, MD

Christopher Howson, MD

Pain & Rehab Medicine

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