Dan Miller, MD
Emergency Medicine

About Dan Miller, MD
Dan Miller, MD, is a physician with BayCare Clinic Emergency Physicians.Locations
More from Dan Miller, MD
Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine
2017 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI
West Virginia University – Emergency Medicine
Additional Certifications, Training, and Achievements
Master’s of Public Health, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Professional Associations and Memberships
Rabago D, Lee KS, Ryan M, Chourasia AO, Sesto ME, Zgierska A, Kijowski R, Grettie J, Wilson J, Miller D. Hypertonic dextrose and morrhuate sodium injections (prolotherapy) for lateral epicondylosis (tennis elbow): results of a single-blind, pilot-level, randomized controlled trial. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 2013 July 92(7):587-96.
Rabago D, Miller D, Zgierska A, Mundt M, Kijowski R, Belling J, Patterson, JJ; Dextrose prolotherapy for knee osteoarthritis: results of a randomized controlled trial. Abstract 308. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2011 Supplement 1:S142-43.
Miller D, Tillotson R., All About Brain Bleeds. Presentation, EM Residency Conference, Morgantown, WV, Sept. 27, 2018.
Miller D, Hodroge S, Transfusions and Complications. Presentation, EM Residency Conference, Morgantown, WV, Mar. 8, 2018.
Miller D, A Dangerous Fall. Case Presentation, EM Residency Conference, Morgantown, WV, Dec. 7, 2017.
Miller D, Denu R, Lang A, Kramer M, Medical Ethics. Presentation, Interdisciplinary Professional Leadership Summit, Madison, WI, Feb. 16, 2013.
Rabago D, Lee K, Ryan MS, Chourasia AO, Sesto AE, Zgierska A, Miller D, Wilson J; The efficacy of prolotherapy for lateral epicondylosis: A pilot-level randomized controlled trial. Poster presentation, American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 29 - June 2, 2012.
Rabago D, Lee K, Ryan MS, Chourasia AO, Sesto AE, Zgierska A, Miller D, Wilson J; The efficacy of prolotherapy using dextrose-morrhuate for lateral epicondylosis: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Poster presentation, International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Portland, OR, May 15 - 18, 2012.
Rabago D, Miller D, Zgierska A, Mundt M, Kijowski R, Belling J, Patterson, JJ; Dextrose prolotherapy for knee osteoarthritis: results of a randomized controlled trial. Poster presentation, Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) World Congress on Osteoarthritis, San Diego California, Sept. 15-17, 2011.