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Adolescent Neuropsychology

Adolescence is a time of life during which young people experience vast cognitive, emotional and physical change, and is generally defined as beginning at puberty, and extending through the late teens and into the early to mid-twenties. Recent research indicates that the brain is still developing midway into the third decade of life. Adolescent neuropsychology focuses on the connection between learning, emotion, attitude, and behavior in relation to the adolescent brain.

The team of BayCare Clinic neuropsychologists includes doctors who specialize in the care of older children and young adults. These doctors are uniquely equipped to work with adolescents throughout the developmental life-span.

A Special Focus on the Years of Adolescence

Our adolescent neuropsychologists utilize a variety of tools and consultation with family to understand the unique challenges young people present. While adolescents may experience many of the same concerns faced by younger children and older adults, some of the more specific areas of focus for this age group include:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression
  • A spectrum of learning disabilities
  • Personality/emotional functioning
  • Brain trauma/concussion
  • Memory
  • Language skills
  • Learning skills
  • Attention skills
  • Visual/spatial skills
  • Sensorimotor functioning
  • Basic achievement skills including math and reading
  • Executive skills including planning, organizing information, flexibility, and inhibition

At BayCare Clinic, our neuropsychologists takes a family-centered approach as partners in adolescent healthcare. They work with adolescents to help them to realize their potential through the development of remediation, compensation, and coping strategies. They also consult and advise with educational planning and family adjustment. As adolescents continue to change and develop rapidly, evaluation over time is sometimes necessary in order to adjust treatment and support to meet an adolescent's changing needs.

A Team Approach

At BayCare Clinic, our adolescent neuropsychologists are part of a multi-disciplinary team specializing in the health care needs of adolescents to provide comprehensive care to children and their families.


Julie Hoida Bobholz, PhD

Julie Hoida Bobholz, PhD


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